Geodata diffusion is a small, motivated and efficient team at your service and attentive to your needs. In a friendly and pleasant atmosphere, we process your requests and answer your questions.
You can reach us
By Phone :
Email :
from Monday to Thrusday
From 9:00 à 13:00 and 14:00 à 18:00
on Friday
From 9:00 à 13:00 and 14:00 à 17:00

We share the same requirement
Géodata Diffusion continues to develop the quality of its services through personalized support, responsive technical assistance and continuous improvement of its infrastructures. Our objective is to offer customers a secure and innovative service, guaranteeing them a high and constant utilization rate wherever they are, throughout the territory. Thanks to its strong expertise and extensive experience, our team is committed to serving our customers on a daily basis to provide them with the highest level of satisfaction. Our goal is to offer a secure and innovative service thanks to:- a personalized welcome
- responsive technical support
- continuous improvement of our infrastructure.
- high precision positioning
- a highest and constant rate of use of the service
- quick and easy access to our services
- enhanced territorial coverage
Everywhere in France our customers are not mistaken, every day more numerous, they confirm their confidence in us and we thank them for it.