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Since October 2, 2017, Géodata Diffusion has been expanding its service offering by offering all its users new online services complementary to real-time services allowing:
1) To post-process directly online, with Orphéon data and in the network the raw GNSS data recorded in the field in RINEX format, thanks to our new application.
2) To download raw GNSS data in RINEX format from Orpheon reference stations in order to carry out personalized post-processing.

In both cases, the raw data from the stations and the post-processing are “Full GNSS” (GPS, Glonass, Galileo and Beidou) and accessible online for thirty days (more on request).
The advantages of the Orpheon Post-processing service
Post-processing can be a real added value for GNSS data users and can easily be integrated into your usual workflow. It allows to :
- Work in all areas not covered by GPRS (white and gray areas),
- Control the quality of your data for complex or demanding projects,
- Increase productivity thanks to a simplified post-processing chain,
- Obtain results of optimized quality thanks to a network calculation,
- Benefit from directly georeferenced and usable data.
How to take advantage of these new services?
A service already included in annual subscriptions:
Each real-time annual subscription allows you to benefit from today, free of charge, without additional subscription, a 50-hour package of Post-processing & Downloading of RINEX.
These services are accessible on the Orpheon platform with the usual user connection parameters (username and password) at the address:
Customers who have subscribed to a real-time package (discovery offer) can, if they wish:
- Subscribe to a RINEX Post-processing & Download package (60/100/200/500h)
Upgrade their Orphéon real-time plan to an unlimited subscription to benefit from a free 50-hour post-processing & RINEX download plan on the Orphéon platform.
Post-processing via the Orpheon Network:
The network of GNSS Orphéon reference stations, owned by Géodata Diffusion, benefits from a very regular implementation, without compromise and without equivalent in France. This unique topology provides post-processing solutions of optimized quality. It provides access to uniform precision throughout mainland France as well as in Guadeloupe and Martinique.
The raw data from each station is recorded and archived on the Geodata Diffusion servers. Their characteristics are as follows:
- Full GNSS; they contain raw GPS, Glonass, Galileo and Beidou data,
- Sampled at 1Hz,
- Recorded in files with a duration of 15 min.
- 100% of the territory
- 100% of Orpheon network receivers
A Full GNSS network
Recevez dès maintenant les corrections Galiléo grâce au réseau Orphéon
What are the benefits for customers on a day-to-day basis?
50% more satellites
The addition of the Galileo and BeiDou satellites to the GPS and GLONASS satellites significantly increases the number of satellites that can be observed simultaneously by a GNSS antenna.
Today, this represents around thirty satellites against the usual twenty, an increase of 50%.
Eventually, the number of visible satellites will be around 40, an increase of 100%!
The addition of the GALILEO and BeiDou constellations thanks to the Orphéon network is not a simple gadget, but the assurance of better daily productivity in the field.
Increased productivity and positioning quality
- More satellites available to calculate its position
- Precise positioning even in difficult environments (urban canyons for example or under a canopy)
- Improved positioning reliability
- Shorter fixing time
Depending on your specialty, contact your usual distributor without hesitation (Find your Orpheon distributor), he will know, better than anyone, how to answer you and support you in your projects.
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