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Precision satellite positioning
Since October 12, after a good month of tests, Géodata Diffusion has therefore expanded its service offer by offering real-time Full GNSS NRTK corrections compatible with GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou.

Orpheon network delivers GALILEO and BeiDou corrections
Extension of Galileo and BeiDou services
All of the reference stations, the infrastructure and the correction calculation software allow us to deliver NRTK Full GNSS corrections including GPS + GLONASS + Galileo + BeiDou.

Receive Galileo corrections now
The Full GNSS compatibility which was already available for our online Post-processing and RINEX Download services has just been extended to our real-time correction services.

GPS + Glonass + Galiléo + Beidou
What advantages

The extension of the possibilities of precise positioning in difficult environments (urban canyons for example or under a canopy),

Faster access to precise positioning thanks to the third frequency GPS and Galileo (L5) making it easier to resolve phase ambiguities,

The increase in positioning reliability and the addition of the 3rd frequency make it possible to detect calculation errors and multipaths, but also to guard against interference.
Increased productivity and positioning quality
Full GNSS is the addition of the Galileo and BeiDou satellites to the GPS and GLONASS satellites, which allows you to significantly increase the number of satellites observed simultaneously by your GNSS antenna. With Full GNSS you work further and longer in wooded areas or bordered by buildings, where some satellites are hidden or even unusable by the equipment and you maintain a correct position. Full GNSS also offers faster access to precise and more stable positioning thanks to the third frequency GPS and Galileo (L5) allowing easier resolution of phase ambiguities and rejection of multipaths.100% more satellites
The addition of the Galileo and BeiDou satellites to the GPS and GLONASS satellites significantly increases the number of satellites that can be observed simultaneously by a GNSS antenna. Today, this represents around thirty satellites against the usual twenty, an increase of 50%. Eventually, the number of visible satellites will be around 40, an increase of 100%! The arrival and use of the additional GALILEO and BeiDou constellations thanks to the Orpheon network is not a simple gadget, but the assurance of better daily productivity in the field.The densest and most regular coverage in France
A multi-constellation network
With its 215 stations in mainland France, all Full GNSS: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou with a unique presence in the French West Indies.
Orphéon is the first French multi-constellation network in France.
A regular network mesh for optimal coverage throughout the territory and secure data transfer for greater reliability and repeatability on a daily basisHow to take advantage of the new Full GNSS services?
Already subscribed?
Connect today to our real-time services from your GNSS mobile with your usual user connection parameters (username and password) and select one of our Full GNSS mount points stamped “FULL”.
Settings :
- DNS:
- Port: 8500
- Mount point*: VRS_RTCM-MSM_FULL or i-Max_RTCM-MSM_FULL
How are our offerings changing?
The basic unlimited subscription becomes GPS + GLONASS
The active GPS only subscription (without option) immediately becomes GPS + GLONASS, with no rate change.
The GLONASS option becomes the Full GNSS option
Only the denomination changes, the option price remains the same. subscriptions with active GLONASS option, immediately become Full GNSS without price change as well. This means that you can now receive corrections for Galileo and BeiDou in addition to the traditional GPS and GLONASS. To benefit from these new services, only one action to perform on the receiver: select one of our Full GNSS mount points stamped “FULL”.For hourly packages:
30% Discount to upgrade your Package to a subscription
You have subscribed to a real-time hourly package, benefit from a discount of up to 30% of the value of your current package for any subscription to an unlimited subscription and benefit from the RINEX Post-processing & Downloading web application in plus Full GNSS real-time corrections as described above.
Network subscriptions
The Premium Orpheon offer

- “Full GNSS” real-time centimetric corrections
- RINEX “Full GNSS” Post-Processing
- RINEX “Full GNSS” Download
- A web platform allowing access to their account, their subscriptions and the state of the Orphéon network
- A Smartphone application offering the same functions as the Web platform
Full-GNSS Online Post-Processing also available with Orphéon
click here to find out moreIs your hardware compatible?
Depending on your specialty, contact your usual distributor without hesitation (Find your Orpheon distributor), he will know, better than anyone, how to answer you and support you in your projects.
In order to offer offers perfectly adapted to the needs of users, we have designed several subscription formulas. Our commercial offer is very clear and very flexible. So, in complete transparency, you only pay for what you really need.
Orphéon subscriptions are marketed also in France by a distribution network of more than 40 agencies, representing all brands of equipment. Depending on your specialty, contact your usual distributor without hesitation (Find your Orpheon distributor), he will know, better than anyone, how to answer you and support you in your projects.