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Innovative concept PPoT : Precise Positioning of Things
Thanks to the development of the technologies related to the Internet of Things (IoT) allowing them to communicate, it seemed obvious that we now needed to localize these objects with precision. A part of the connected objects is fixed and does not move, but a very big quantity of these objects follows us in our displacements or are simply in movement. Then, it becomes very interesting to be able, in real time or afterwards to localize or to materialize precisely their movements.
Need for precision
Number of applications exist already to localize these objects but have not the necessary precision to take a real advantage of them. With ± 3m of precision a classic GPS gives an order of idea onto a position or a route, but since you wish to guide a movement allowing to avoid obstacles either that you need to know in detail a trajectory, the exact position in real time, then the centimeter precision becomes essential and vital.
Orpheon network with the pioneers
For 10 years with Orpheon network, we propose this centimeter-level positioning thanks to the real-time corrections RTK which are the heart of our activity and for which we developed an unequalled expertise. We supply this type of corrections in any sorts of “traditional” applications such like in topography, in agriculture, for machine control, for bathymetry, for global mapping or assets collections. But we also provide these corrections to the applications of tomorrow.
Democratization of the technology
Today the integration of precision GNSS chips becomes more familiar by becoming affordable and allows to imagine easily any sorts of practical uses. it becomes then possible to integrate RTK centimetric precision receiver into a compact design, light and little greedy in energy to answer the imperatives of these new applications and so releasing the imagination and the creativity.
Already some engineering consulting firms and start-up are closely interested in our solutions to develop their own precise positioning applications of connected objects (PPoT). Pioneers in their domains, they lean on a mastered technology which showed its ability and the efficiency of which is not to be any more demonstrated.
Greatly facilitated development
The Orphéon network offers, thanks to its user interface, tools that facilitate your daily work or the development and integration of precision GPS chips in your projects.
Voir notre guide du développeur
Thanks to the possibilities of analyzing connection logs and viewing trajectories directly in the Orpheon client space, it is easier for developers to understand the behavior of their programs and improve the performance of their production.
Check your connections in real time, consult logs or visualize your trajectories makes your work easier and saves time. but also post-process your work directly online. …. l’espace Client
The first applications
Among the first visible applications, the positioning of drones (UAV), robots either the guided autonomous vehicles are the most known, but other projects are in studies and begin to emerge. They interest the equipment manufacturers, the integrators, the insurers, the home automation or the logistics and numerous other sectors of the economy or the categories of users as: the administrators, the entrepreneurs, the political decision-makers, the researchers, the actors of the health, the speculators, the financial markets.
Every day, we attend a very strong increase of the use of this concept of precise positioning of things and a multitude of innovative ideas because this concept PPoT also generates an information source and a very important volume of data associated with various activities opening, even there, towards quite new applications and new jobs.
Augmented reality more precise and stable thanks to centimetric corrections
Autonomous vehicles
The autonomous vehicle market is growing at high speed. Car manufacturers and equipment manufacturers, as well as new entrants such as web giants, are multiplying their projects.
Different technologies come into play (cameras, LIDAR, inertial units, GNSS positioning, etc.) all to ensure precise piloting and when it comes to precision, Géodata Diffusion has its say.
Le réseau Orphéon déjà à l’essais avec les voitures autonomes
Big Data
The analysis of the masses of data or Big Data generated by the precise positioning of objects in the various fields of application brings new manner to understand and to analyze our world generating new opportunities also aiming at reducing certain risks, facilitating the decision-making or allowing to stand out from competition thanks to the predictive analysis.
Orphéon investments
For Géodata Diffusion this represents a nice challenge but we are prepared. We consider that this is an opportunity to demonstrate and to value our sense of the innovation and the know-how acquired over these last 10 years. Every year we keep investing to strengthen our network to guarantee you the availability of high-quality precision positioning service. Today Orphéon network benefits from a unique strengthened infrastructure guaranteeing a very high-level access to the data.
Finally, by supplying the first available corrections RTK Galileo in France, Orpheon network demonstrates the strength of its commitment and the relevance of its technological choices to the daily service of our customers.
Every day our more numerous customers confirm us their confidence and we thank them all for it.
The expertise of the Hexagon group
Hexagon develops and brings together technologies, solutions and services in a coherent offer to provide the most precise positions in any environment. Hexagon combines both sensor fusion and GNSS expertise, a global correction services infrastructure, authentication and integrity to alleviate the limitations of GNSS and deliver accurate and reliable positioning.