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Mobile Internet required to connect to Orpheon
For your mobile internet access, you go through the national mobile phone operators Orange, SFR, Bouygues, Free. As we constantly explain to our customers, the quality of the mobile internet connection is a major criterion for the positioning quality of your precision GPS because it is through this connection that your GPS constantly receives correction information. from our servers.Stopping of the 2100Mhz 3G frequency of the Orange operator
3G 2100 will gradually be discontinued following technical developments and within a regulatory framework. Some older modem and phone models will no longer be able to access Orange 3G. (voir information assistance Orange)
Orange’s 3G network has previously used 2 frequency bands: 2100 MHz and 900 MHz. Between April and August 2021, Orange will gradually hand over the 2100MHz frequency band to a third-party operator. In doing so, only the UMTS 900 MHz frequency band will be available to cover the entire French metropolitan area and ensure all 3G usage.
Effect on your connections
If you have a 3G mobile modem that is not UMTS 900 compatible, you can continue to connect, but only to the Orange 2G network. This mobile phone network is obsolete (and also on the way out) and will not always be able to guarantee you optimal quality. To improve your experience on the mobile network, it is recommended that you change your mobile modem and switch to 4G (1) which will guarantee you better connection comfort. Orange also announces that it has accelerated the deployment of its 4G mobile network throughout the territory. Please note: some old 3G mobiles are not compatible with the UMTS 900 frequency band: They will no longer be able to access Orange 3G.Agriculture: the most concerned
Historically farmers in their tractors have long used 2G modems to access mobile internet and get RTK corrections. Inevitably they are already affected by these changes. Of course, other users in topography, GIS or machine guidance are also concerned. In their case very often the modems are integrated into their GPS.Another article on the subject:
Internet mobile 2G en question ?
L’Europe n’a pas encore ressenti le plein effet de la suppression progressive de la 2G, néanmoins, de nombreux fournisseurs européens et français, dont Orange, Vodafone et Swisscom, ont déjà commencé avec pour objectif de supprimer la 2G entre 2024 et 2025.
In order to offer offers perfectly adapted to the needs of users, we have designed several subscription formulas. Our commercial offer is very clear and very flexible. So, in complete transparency, you only pay for what you really need.
Orphéon subscriptions are marketed also in France by a distribution network of more than 40 agencies, representing all brands of equipment. Depending on your specialty, contact your usual distributor without hesitation (Find your Orpheon distributor), he will know, better than anyone, how to answer you and support you in your projects.